
Unsere Trainer/-innen sind alle von der Gründerin und Leiterin Natascha Eyber nach der BASI® Pilates Methode ausgebildet und kommen aus der ganzen Welt:
Deutschland, Frankreich, Brasilien, Spanien, Dänemark – alle unterrichten in Deutsch und selbstverständlich auch in Englisch.

Marisa Athanasleri

Marisa Athanasleri

My name is Marisa Athanasleri.  I am working the last years as Massage-therapist and I am currently specialized as Pilates trainer. What is truly value is body balance.
Back in time I self-practiced Pilates in order to restore a muscle disorder of my own body. And then was the time when I realized how beneficial the Pilates sessions can be for body therapy.

As a therapist, I consider of great importance using the methods that I self-practiced before. This is the key to detect which technique is the most efficient one.
I am driven by creativity and focusing on each clients special needs, cause each body is unique and every imbalance as well.
I am focusing in maximizing the range of motion by interacting with clients.
According to my principals, move is own heal!